Try to really let go and make an effort to relax this week. Here are some great ways to take your mind off things: Get a good night's rest. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply. Stretch your body and feel your tense muscles loosen. Cook a meal and enjoy the fruit of your labor. Create a list of things you were grateful for today; it'll help you look at things in a positive light. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your partner or best friend. Call your family and tell them you miss them if they are far away. Write a "thinking of you" card to someone you care about. Watch a nature documentary and marvel at the sheer natural beauty. Take a walk in the park and enjoy the greenery around you. Light some candles and enjoy the glow that emanates. Drink some chamomile tea. Enjoy the sun shining on your face. Go outdoors and take a deep breath of the fresh air. Listen to classical music. Go to the gym and work off your stress. Play a sport you enjoy. Enjoy a swim in the pool and let the water drown out your worries. Make a delicious smoothie. Create and eat a dish from your childhood. Indulge in dark chocolate, which relieves stress and lowers blood pressure. Look at beautiful photos. Plan your next trip. Clean up clutter in your home. Clean your desk. Squeeze a stress ball. Check out a free yoga class in your area. Find a free meditation class. Take a hot shower. Draw a bubble bath. Talk about your stressors to someone positive. Spend time with animals. Enjoy a glass of hot milk. Take a power nap. Close your eyes and just rest on your bed for a while. Pretend you're a kid again and indulge in activities like watching cartoons and eating popsicles. Visit a museum. Visit a zoo. Stargaze. Turn up the music and dance in your home. Jump up and down on your bed. Wear your favorite outfit and look your best. Give yourself a manicure. Press your accupressure stress points. Pick up a fun hobby. Reread a favorite book. Go to the library and browse the shelves. Start a jigsaw puzzle. Create a collage out of your favorite photos. Listen to your favorite song. Sing your favorite song. Watch a Disney classic. Journal. Practice aromatherapy. Watch a funny YouTube video and laugh. Watch a video of cute animals. Massage your temples. Do a crossword puzzle. Read your favorite blogs. Surf Pinterest for pretty DIY projects and cooking inspiration. Let go of grudges. Block out negative thoughts. Hug your partner. Prep for the next day the night before, giving you more time in the mornings. Wake up early so you can get more done in the mornings. Play a board game. Complete and cross off one item on your to-do list. Volunteer for a cause. Take an online personality quiz for fun. Smile more. Talk to strangers. Take a walk. Do something nice for others, such as running an errand for your partner. Put your hammock out in your backyard and lie in it. Take pleasure in looking at art. Ask for help when you need it. Visualize your goal. Meditate on your own at home. Go for a scenic drive. Praise other people. Draw a picture. Stop worrying about situations that haven't happened. When you notice yourself worrying or stressing, yell out "stop!" Don't multitask. Clean out your emails. Wear loose clothing, so you don't feel constrained. Read a poem. Whistle or hum to your favorite song. Get some flowers from the pharmacy or supermarket and arrange them artfully. Feed birds. Pick up a language. Ask your partner or friend to give you a massage. Open the windows in your home to let fresh air in. Spray air freshener to make your room smell nice. Organize your closet. Camp in your backyard. Enjoy a glass of wine. Reminisce with friends. Stay indoors when it's raining outside while sipping on hot cocoa. Light incense. Sleep over at your best friend's place.
Gimme a break: 101 frugal ways to relax
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