Every July, the best swimwear brands from all over the world unite in Miami to debut their new collections and share with us the best of the beach and resort lifestyle. Buyers, editors, models and celebrities travel down to South Beach to attend runway shows and after parties. This year Glamour teamed up with PR firm Bollare (which works with some of the best swim brands) to create a relaxation hub at The 1 Hotel in South Beach. Swim designers and influencers were invited to stop by the #BollarexGlamour hub, where they could grab an Acai bowl or coconut for the road, get hair and make up touch ups between shows, or pick up some fun (and free!) swimwear or resort pieces to change into for their next event. (Gotta say, Bollare are pros at curating at super-relaxing space!) During their visits, we asked a few of our favorite bloggers and other stylish friends to share their best swimwear tips for this summer. Here’s what they had to say…
These swimsuits are recommended by the top bikini bloggers
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